March 17, 2017


Integrated Transport Planning in a Segmented City: The Case of Jerusalem


1:40 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.


1605 Tilia, Room 1103, West Village


While it has been recognized that travel markets are segmented, these segmentations are determined usually by type of trip and socio-demographic factors, to which life style choices can be added as an upper choice level. Thus models allowing for such segmentations are widely used to forecast long-term demand and generate scenarios, as a basis for multi-modal transport planning. These assumptions and structures do indeed seem adequate for most cities. However, to test the limits of such practices it is necessary to examine outliers, where the underlying assumptions regarding a basically single urban space do not hold.

The existence of a single urban space within the city has been questioned. A hierarchical segmentation approach to residential choice is suggested, where the upper tier in this segmentation structure is societal constraints, which are the outcomes of long-term historical processes. Such constraints are not common in most western cities; however, they are evident in many cities around the world.

Jerusalem is perhaps an extreme case of residential and travel market segmentation. It is comprised of four different ‘cities’, which partially overlap in space. The first ‘city’ is the Jewish-Zionist city; the second is the Palestinian city and the third city within Jerusalem is the Jewish ultra-orthodox )JUO( city. While the specific delineation of these cities is unique, Jerusalem can be seen as representative of other cities where ethnic and religious tensions create highly segmented urban spaces and travel markets.

At present the transport planning discourse gives high precedence to public transport. Yet, the planning of public transport systems follows largely the ‘normal’ structure and sequence of transport planning, in essence striving to respond to demand patterns. In recent years particular emphasis has been placed on integrating transport systems, both across modes and with land use, in order to facilitate and encourage the use of public transport. However, there might be tradeoffs between integration and responsiveness of public transport systems to demand patterns. Transport planning should meet different travel needs and be responsive to different segments of the population in order to increase public transport patronage. But fragmented demand patterns may reduce the feasibility of spatial integration.
In this paper we analyze: What are the implications of such market segmentation for public transport planning? Particularly we look at the ability to integrate public transport systems while being responsive to different societal segments, relating to both captive and choice users of public transport. In practice, responsiveness is channeled through community characteristics at more aggregate level. Political power as well as collective exit options enable the group to communicate its needs and expectations, and also respond to powerful group challenges integration efforts.

Biographical Sketch

Dr. Galit Cohen-Blankshtain is a senior lecturer at the Department of Geography and the School of Public Policy at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem. She earned her Ph.D. from the Free University of Amsterdam and spent a year as a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University, Kennedy School of Government. She was the head of excellence program at public policy, School of Public Policy at the Hebrew University and now spending her sabbatical as a visiting scholar at Oregon State University.

Her main research interests regarding public policies in various filed as transport, urban policy and environmental policy. She is interested in policy processes and examining different societal, institutional and political aspects of transport policy. She published numerous articles in scientific journals such as: Urban Studies, Transportation, Transportation Research D and A, Environment and Planning A and D, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research and International Journal of Sustainable Transportation.

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