Iman Soltani, Ph.D.

  • Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
  • Autonomous Driving
  • Manufacturing Automation
  • Preventive maintenance and industrial diagnosis
  • Precision instrumentation


Soltani’s research aims at developing machine learning, control and estimation tools to enable automation and robotics across scales from visualization and manipulation of the matter at the nano-scale, to assembly of complex automotive parts and autonomous driving.

MIT Carl G. Sontheimer award

National Instruments (NI) engineering impact award in advanced research

MIT de Florez Award

MAE 250A – Advanced Methods in Mechanical Design (4)

Term: Fall Quarter, 2020. Lecture—4 hour(s). Prerequisite(s): EME 150A; EME 150B; Or the equivalents or consent of instructor. Applications of advanced techniques of solid mechanics to mechanical design problems. Coverage of advanced topics in stress analysis and static failure theories with emphasis in design of machine elements. Design projects emphasizing advanced analysis tools for life cycle evaluation. Effective: 1999 Fall Quarter.

EME 185A – Mechanical Engineering Systems Design Project I (4)

Term: Winter Quarter, 2021. Lecture—1 hour(s); Laboratory—3 hour(s). Prerequisite(s): EME 050 C- or better; EME 150A C- or better; EME 165 C- or better (can be concurrent); ENG 003, CMN 001 or CMN 003 recommended; upper division composition recommended. Restricted to Senior standing in Mechanical Engineering (EMEC). Major mechanical engineering design experience; the mechanical engineering design process and its use in the design of engineering systems incorporating appropriate engineering standards and multiple realistic constraints. GE credit: OLSEVL. Effective: 2019 Winter Quarter.

EME 185B – Mechanical Engineering Systems Design Project II (4)

Term: Spring Quarter, 2021. Lecture—1 hour(s); Laboratory—3 hour(s). Prerequisite(s): EME 185A; senior standing in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. Major mechanical engineering design experience; the mechanical engineering design process and its use in the design of engineering systems incorporating appropriate engineering standards and multiple realistic constraints. GE credit: SE. Effective: 2017 Fall Quarter.


Preparing new 2021 course for Machine Learning and Control for Advanced Automation and Robotics.

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