Jan 29, 2021

This presentation is sponsored by ITS-Davis’ partnership with the Pacific Southwest Region University Transportation Center.


The Role of Affordable Transit Oriented Development on Travel Behavior


1:40pm - 3:00pm


Remote instruction


Legislation and public policies in California incentivize housing development near high-quality transit nodes to meet climate change and affordability goals. In the San Francisco Bay Area, BART has been active in encouraging affordable transit oriented development (TOD) in the region; the agency adopted a TOD policy in 2016 that aims to build 20,000 housing units on land it owns, 35 percent of which must be affordable to low and very low income households. This presentation will share findings from a 2019 survey and focus groups of residents that help us understand the how affordable housing residents in both TOD and non-TOD locations travel, differences from how market-rate households travel, and what those patterns mean for transportation and housing policy.

Biographical Sketch

Jesus Barajas is an Assistant Professor of Environmental Science and Policy at UC Davis. His work examines transportation equity and looks to understand the links between planning, policy, and travel behavior in related domains such as traffic safety, youth travel, and education. He holds a PhD in City and Regional Planning from UC Berkeley.

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