Caroline Alméras

  • Secretary General, European Conference of Transport Research Institutes (ECTRI)


Caroline Alméras is a senior European public affairs specialist with 25+ years’ experience in EU public relations, legal advising and advocacy in the transport research field. After working several years as a lawyer at the European Commission then at the French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME), she joined the European Conference of Transport Research Institutes (ECTRI) in 2003 in charge of developing the activities of the association. In 2009, she was recruited as Deputy Director for European and International affairs at the French Institute for Transport Research (INRETS, now University Gustave Eiffel). The year after she was appointed Secretary General of ECTRI. Since then, she is responsible for the strategic development, representation and overall management of the ECTRI Association. In this capacity, she has also been actively engaged and coordinated some activities in several strategic European projects such as SETRIS (European Strategic Research Agendas in the field of transport), SKILLFUL (Skills and competences development of future transportation professionals), BE OPEN (Open Science in Transport), TRA/TRAVISIONS (support to the organization of the TRA conference and related researchers young and senior competitions) and SYMPEUS (Support to the organization of four EU-US Symposia 2024-2028). In April 2018, she was appointed member of the TRB International Cooperation Committee (A0010) and a year later co-chair of that Committee. In April 2020, she became co-chair of the newly created TRB International Coordinating Council – ICC (A0020C) that she leads since then. In 2024, she is appointed to the Board of Advisors of the Institute of Transportation Studies, at University of California, Davis.

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