Gifts to Friends of ITS-Davis enrich the learning experiences of UC Davis transportation graduate students with travel awards, funds for computer resources, and awards for the outstanding theses and dissertations. Our graduate students are closely involved in ITS-Davis research, and the cross-disciplinary expertise they develop here prepares them for leadership in science, technology and policy.
Friends of ITS-Davis helps make travel funds available for students presenting their research at domestic and international transportation conferences. Students benefit from exposure to cutting-edge research, broader perspectives, and networking opportunities, and enhance their oral communication skills by making a research presentation.
Friends of ITS-Davis supports the evolving computing needs of our students by funding individual or group requests for hardware or software. Funds are also allocated each year for the ITS-Davis computer lab.
We would be honored to have your support for Friends of ITS-Davis. Gifts at all levels are welcome, including pledges (up to five years), planned gifts, and gifts of stock and real property. Gifts may be made online, or by using the gift form below. For more information on making a gift or pledge, please contact Tori Yashinski at 530-752-6548 or
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