In The News

Our experts are frequently spotlighted in national/local news outlets and widely read blogs. The headlines and summaries below link to the original news articles and features.

Don’t fall prey to the current panic over automated vehicles

September 17, 2023

AVs are not the panacea to all transportation troubles, but let’s not discard this valuable innovation just yet.

The Hill

EU and LAC Climate Collaboration: Adapting to CBAM

September 14, 2023

In this article, part of an ongoing series on collaboration between the EU and LAC countries, the authors discuss how partnership on carbon pricing—beginning with the heavy industry sector—could benefit both regions.

Center on Global Energy Policy - Columbia University

The Success of Hybrid Trucks in the Automotive Industry

September 13, 2023

Gil Tal, Director of the UC Davis Electric Vehicle Research Center, argues that the ultimate goal should be transitioning more people to fully electric or plug-in hybrid vehicles.

Motorblog Uruguay

EV Mania Hasn’t Killed Hunger for Hybrid Trucks

September 12, 2023

But ultimately, “the hybrid is a gas car,” says Gil Tal, who directs the Electric Vehicle Research Center at UC Davis.


UC Davis Exceeds $1 Billion in Research Awards for 2nd Year

September 12, 2023

Federal grant renewal to lead the National Center for Sustainable Transportation.

UC Davis News

Driver’s seat: The down-the-road view

September 11, 2023

Daniel Sperling outlines the two main strategies for decarbonizing transportation.

Daily Kos

Guest Commentary: I-80 News – Two Projects on Causeway; DEIR Release; Woodland – Traffic Congregation Not Relevant in EIR

September 11, 2023

The Enterprise printed a letter 9/2/23 from Head of National center for Sustainable Transportation Susan Handy, and the response of Yolo TD Chair Tom Stallard. A debate between Science and a defense of Caltrans traditional methods in to improve transportation: Has climate change effected anything?

The Davis Vanguard

Commentary: Caltrans vs. science in the great I-80 debate

September 2, 2023

There is a litmus test before our local Yolo city council members: will they listen to the scientists saying we have to rethink on our transportation system in response to congestion and climate crisis or will they continue Caltrans’ traditional pattern of widening freeways — a pattern history shows never fixes congestion for long, but does assure worsening climate change.

The Davis Enterprise

$7M Grant To Support 3 Wildlife Crossings

August 30, 2023

The Alameda County Resource Conservation District (ACRCD) and several partners will soon begin work on a multi-year project to build three wildlife crossings for East Bay freeways.

Leveraging Positive Tipping Points To Accelerate Decarbonization

August 23, 2023

The National Center for Sustainable Transportation (NCST), funded by the Department of Transportation, conducts research around four research themes—Environmentally Responsible Infrastructure and Operations, Multi-Modal Travel and Sustainable Land Use, Zero-Emission Vehicle and Fuel Technologies, and Institutional Change—in order to “address the most pressing policy questions and ensure our research results are incorporated into the policy-making process.”

Federation of American Scientists

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