Envisioning Automated Vehicles within the Built Environment: 2020, 2035, 2050
Workshop for regulators, technologists, innovators, architects, planners, engineers, environmental and transportation professionals.
July 24, 2015 Sponsored by TRB/AUVSI Automated Vehicles Symposium, Ann Arbor, MI
Please register for the workshop (limited to 75 participants) http://goo.gl/forms/DM1ghi7UOZ
You do not need to attend the symposium to attend
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Sign up Front desk for the site of your choice and sit at the identified table
Click here to view photos from the workshop.
Background Handouts
Coffee and light breakfast 8:30am
Welcome & Introduction 9:00am-10:00am
Built Environment Design Workshop 10:15am-Noon
- Scenario/Site Descriptions
- Ambassador Bridge
- Angell
- Arborland
- Burns Park
- CPG Detriot
- Downtown
- Mid Town Detroit
- UM North Campus
Lunch on your own Noon-1:00pm
Built Environment Design Workshop 10:15am-Noon
Presentations, Conclusions and Parting Remarks 2:30pm-4:00pm
Gold Sponsors!
Silver Sponsors!
Bronze Sponsors!
Supporters and Donations of Time and Expertise
Workshop Organizers
- Shannon Sanders McDonal, AIA, Assistant Professor, Architecture, Souterhn Illinois University Carbondale
- Caroline Rodier, Ph.D., Associate Director, Urban Land Use and Transportation Center, University of California at Davis
- Reuben M. Juster, EIT, Faculty Research Assistant, University of Maryland College Park, Center for Advanced Transportation Technology
Scenario Discussion Leaders
- Dr. Patrick Sherry, National Center for Intermodal Transportation (NCIT), University of Denver
- Kit Krankel McCullough, Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning
- Bruce F. Donnelly, Planning consultant and writer, Office of Bruce F. Donnelly
- Dr. Stan Young, NREL: National Renewable Energy Lab and University of Maryland
- Reuben M. Juster, EIT, Faculty Research Assistant, University of Maryland College Park, Center for Advanced Transportation Technology
- Dr. Marc Wiseman, Vice President, Ricardo Strategic Consulting