Kathleen Yip

  • Program Officer, Climate Imperative Foundation


Kathleen is a Program Officer in the Industrial Initiative at Climate Imperative. She develops grantmaking strategies and associated grant portfolios around heavy industry. Before joining Climate Imperative, Kathleen spent over ten years advancing equity and clean energy and transportation policies through work in state government, advocacy, consulting, academia, and philanthropy.


What organization do you currently work for, and what is your role?

I am currently a program officer at the Climate Imperative foundation. My work focuses on decarbonizing the industrial sector.

What is your favorite thing about, or largest accomplishment in, your current role?

My favorite thing about my role is having the opportunity to work globally. My previous work experience has mostly been focused in the U.S., but my current role is focused on reducing emissions in Japan, South Korea, India, and others. It’s been so cool to have the opportunity to work with in-country partners to help make progress in other countries.

How did the TTP program and/or ITS prepare you for your current role?

The TTP course work was so relevant and important for building the base of understanding in my current role. But I really also learned so much from Tom Turrentine, who was an incredible mentor to me, all the professors and advisors I was able to work with, and my fellow classmates, who all came from different backgrounds, experiences and cultures. ITS promotes a culture of learning, making space for students to attend conferences & seminars with experts in the field, which helped me to create networks and relationships important in my work today.

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