UC Davis research and expertise play key roles in the California governor’s order today that the state will have 1.5 million zero-emission vehicles on the road by 2025.
At the UC Davis Institute of Transportation Studies (ITS-Davis), the Plug-In Hybrid & Electric Vehicle Research Center has conducted the most cutting-edge research on how to design and roll out regional recharging networks that are optimal for EV and PHEV drivers as well as the electricity grid, based on driving patterns and surveys of EV and PHEV drivers.
Also, the ITS-Davis Sustainable Transportation Energy Pathways (STEPS) research program has done the most widely used comparisons of advanced auto fuels, including electricity, hydrogen (for fuel-cell vehicles), and biofuels.
Tom Turrentine, director of the Plug-In Hybrid & Electric Vehicle Research Center, said, “Our research provides the insights needed by industry and public agencies for making the investments that will best serve the driving public.
“Mike Nicholas has led a team that integrates engineering, economics, consumer behavior, markets and business analyses. We are showing stakeholders how to spend their dollars most efficiently.”
Anthony Eggert, director of the new UC Davis Policy Institute for Energy, Environment and the Economy, advised California Gov. Jerry Brown on zero-emission-vehicle policy before he came to UC Davis in January. (Eggert was previously deputy secretary for California EPA, a California Energy Commissioner, and advisor to the chair of the Air Resources Board. He is also a former engineer and manager for Ford Motor Co. working
on Ford’s advanced vehicle programs.)
Eggert said, “The governor’s ground-breaking new executive order sets an ambitious timeline and targets for ZEVs in California. “These vehicles, which include plug-in electric vehicles and hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles, have the potential to dramatically reduce pollution, increase energy diversity, and contribute to the state’s climate goals.“However, significant challenges remain to developing a sustainable market for these cars and trucks. UC Davis researchers are the global leaders in providing interdisciplinary research and analysis to help guide public agencies, the auto and energy industries, and other stakeholder groups working to address these challenges.
“Our research provides essential insights on consumer preferences, life-cycle emissions and cost analysis, infrastructure strategies for electric charging and hydrogen fuel stations, and implications for our overall energy system and policy goals.”
More information
UC Davis Plug-In Hybrid & Electric Vehicle Research Center:
UC Davis report: “Taking Charge: Establishing California Leadership in the Plug-in
Electric Vehicle Marketplace.” How to facilitate PEV market growth so that it
contributes significantly to California’s ongoing economic, energy and environmental
policy objectives. http://pubs.its.ucdavis.edu/publication_detail.php?id=1436
UC Davis book: “Sustainable Transportation Energy Pathways: A Research Summary for
Decision Makers.” Compares biofuel, hydrogen and electricity pathways and options, and
examines the policy and technology challenges ahead. http://steps.ucdavis.edu/STEPS.Book
Tom Turrentine
PH&EV Research Center
Institute of Transportation Studies
University of California, Davis
Phone: 530-752-1768
Cell: 831-566-7922
Anthony Eggert
Executive Director
Policy Institute for Energy, Environment and the Economy
University of California. Davis
Phone: 530-752-1083
Cell: 530-902-3201
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