This is a list of projects and studies that the ITS-Davis Telecommunications and Travel Behavior Research Program has undertaken.
Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Agreement. Multi-tasking while Traveling in the Capitol Corridor: The Role of Wi-Fi. September 2011 – September 2012.
University of California, Davis University Transportation Center, Year 6. Activities Conducted while Traveling: An Empirical Examination of their Impact on the Value of Travel Time Savings. October 2011 – September 2012.
University of California, Davis University Transportation Center, Year 5. How Permanent are Construction-Induced Adjustments in Commute Behavior? Change Persistence Six Months after the Fix I-5 Project in Sacramento, California. October 2010 – September 2011.
University of California, Davis University Transportation Center, Year 4. How Do Commuters React to a Temporary Freeway Closure? An Evaluation of the Fix I-5 Project in Sacramento, California. October 2009 – September 2010.
University of California, Davis University Transportation Center, Year 3. Activities Conducted while Traveling: An Examination of their Impact on the Value of Travel Time Savings. October 2008 – September 2009.
University of California, Davis University Transportation Center, Year 2. The Impact of the Internet on Shopping Behavior: Modeling the Choice of Pre-purchase and Purchase Modes. October 2007 – September 2008.
University of California, Davis University Transportation Center, Year 1. Structural Equation Modeling of Desired Travel Amounts. August 2006 – July 2007.
U. S. Department of Transportation Region Nine Transportation Center, Years 17 & 18. Modeling the Adoption of Teleshopping. August 2004 – July 2006.
U. S. Department of Transportation Region Nine Transportation Center, Year 16. Aggregate Structural Equations Modeling of the Relationships between Consumer Expenditures on Communications and Travel. August 2003 – July 2004.
DaimlerChrysler. Determinants of Travel Liking: Who has a Positive Utility for Travel? September 2002 – August 2003.
California Department of Transportation. Alternative Fleet Scenarios. July 2002 – June 2004.
U. S. Department of Transportation Region Nine Transportation Center. An Input/Output Analysis of the Relationships between Communications and Travel for Industry. August 2002 – July 2003.
U. S. Department of Transportation Region Nine Transportation Center. Telecommuting over the Long Term: Patterns of Engagement and Impacts on Residential Location. August 2001 – July 2002.
California Energy Commission. An Aggregate Evaluation of the Impact of Teleworking on Vehicle-Miles Traveled. June – December 2001.
U. S. Department of Transportation Region Nine Transportation Center. The Impact of Attitudes toward Mobility, Adoption of Previous Strategies, and Demographic Characteristics on Responses to Congestion. August 2000 – July 2001.
Daimler-Benz. Is there a Drive to Travel? December 1998 – December 2000.
Daimler-Benz. Modeling Mobility Budgets. December 1998 – September 1999.
Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (BMW). Long-Term Effects of Telecommuting on Travel Behavior and Residential Location. August 1998 – March 1999.
National Science Foundation Integrated Graduate Education Research and Training (IGERT) grant. October 1998 – September 2003.
U. S. Department of Transportation Region Nine Transportation Center. Is Accessibility the Solution for All? Segmenting the Market for Mobility and Accessibility Policies. August 1997 – July 1999.
Partners for Advanced Transit and Highways. Beyond Telecommuting: The Travel/Communications Impacts of Advanced Telecommunications Services. September 1996 – July 1997.
Partners for Advanced Transit and Highways. Is there a Case for Public Investment in Telecommuting? The Cost/Benefit Analysis. (Co-PI with Debbie Niemeier). September 1996 – July 1997.
U. S. Department of Transportation Region Nine Transportation Center. Travelers’ Responses to Congestion. August 1995 – July 1996.
U. S. Department of Transportation Region Nine Transportation Center. An Empirical Analysis of the Travel Behavior of Telecommuters and Home-Based Business Owners. August 1994 – July 1995.
Washington State Energy Office. Puget Sound Telecommuting Demonstration Transportation Emissions Analysis. June 1994.
U. S. Department of Transportation Region Nine Transportation Center. Market Segmentation of the Demand for Telecommuting. August 1993 – July 1994.
California Energy Commission. Present Status and Future Directions of Telecommuting in California. November 1992 – September 1993.
California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). Residential Area-Based Telecommuting Work Centers. July 1992 – January 1997.
California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). Davis Community Network Demonstration Project. July 1992 – June 1995.
U. S. Department of Transportation Region Nine Transportation Center. Modeling the Choice to Telecommute. August 1991 – July 1993.
California Air Resources Board. Evaluation of I-5 Closure in Downtown Sacramento. May 2008-December 2009 (co-PI with Prof. Michael Zhang).
California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). Residential Location Modeling. July 2002-June 2004 (co-PI with Prof. Susan Handy).
National Science Foundation. Decentralized Decision-Making in Complex Network Systems. 2000-2003 (in collaboration with Prof. Anna Nagurney of University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and Prof. June Dong of State University of New York, Oswego).
California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). Statistical Approaches to the Study of Causes and Concomitants of Traffic Generation: Reexamining and Expanding upon Recent Work. March – June 1999 (in collaboration with F. Samaniego, R. Azari, R. Shumway, and N. Willits).
California Air Resources Board. Development of a Land Use/Travel Model. November 1991 – March 1993 (co-PI with R. Kitamura).
U. S. Department of Transportation Region Nine Transportation Center. Impact of Telecommuting on Travel: Accessibility Implication of Working at Home. August 1990 -July 1991 (co-PI with R. Kitamura, P. P. Jovanis, and D. S. Bunch).
University of California Energy Research Group. Telecommuting, Energy and Air Quality. July 1990 – June 1991 (co-PI with R. Kitamura and P. P. Jovanis).
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