April 1, 2011


Complete Streets and Parallel Universes – Getting Around European Cities for a Low Carbon Future


1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m


1065 Kemper Hall, UC Davis


Many involved in any way with transportation in cities in the U.S. marvel at the reduction in motor vehicle use in European cities, and mode shares that have been achieved for bicycling. That recent upsurge in bicycling did not happen simply because European residents responded to a plea to bike more, but because that call to action was combined with a thorough makeover of urban streets. This presentation will show how planners and engineers in large and small cities in Europe have transformed their streets for a low carbon future. They did this by creating an alternate parallel universe for each class of user (drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists), structuring those separate networks, and highlighting potential conflict areas to reduce problems and improve safety.

Biographical Sketch

Steve Tracy is a Senior Research Analyst with the Local Government
Commission. He is the principal author of the Local Government Commission’s planner’s
handbook Smart Growth Zoning Codes. From 1983-1997, Tracy focused on land use and
transportation issues as an Associate Planner with the County of Sacramento, where he led the
Transportation Team on the County’s General Plan Team. He has published papers on urban
growth limitations, land use and transit linkages, and energy issues. Tracy chaired the City of
Davis Downtown Specific Plan Task Force, and has served on several local committees and
commissions, including the City of Davis Natural Resources Commission and the University
of California at Davis Extension Land Use Program Advisory Board. He is a member of the
Board of the Davis Bicycles! advocacy group. His side occupation is as a tour guide in Europe,
working to show American professionals the best examples of street design for a low-emissions
future. Tracy received a BA degree in Anthropology from the University of California at San
Diego in 1972. He also holds a BS in Environmental Policy Analysis and Planning and a Masters
in Ecology (Transportation Planning) from UC Davis.

Steve Tracy is a Senior Research Analyst with the Local Government Commission. He is the principal author of the Local Government Commission’s planner’s handbook Smart Growth Zoning Codes. From 1983-1997, Tracy focused on land use and transportation issues as an Associate Planner with the County of Sacramento, where he led the Transportation Team on the County’s General Plan Team. He has published papers on urban growth limitations, land use and transit linkages, and energy issues. Tracy chaired the City of Davis Downtown Specific Plan Task Force, and has served on several local committees and commissions, including the City of Davis Natural Resources Commission and the University of California at Davis Extension Land Use Program Advisory Board. He is a member of the Board of the Davis Bicycles! advocacy group. His side occupation is as a tour guide in Europe, working to show American professionals the best examples of street design for a low-emissions future. Tracy received a BA degree in Anthropology from the University of California at San Diego in 1972. He also holds a BS in Environmental Policy Analysis and Planning and a Masters in Ecology (Transportation Planning) from UC Davis.

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