April 25, 2014


Can You Spare a Dime? Advances in Transportation Pricing Technologies and Policies


1:40 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.


1605 Tilia, Room 1103, West Village


The means of collecting transportation user fees has steadily evolved over the years.  Transit tokens have been replaced by smart cards and electronic tolling systems have reached maturity.  As the agencies responsible for delivering transportation services continually seek to do more with less, reducing costs while maintaining customer satisfaction, the areas of fare and toll collection continue to evolve.  In addition to cost reductions and increased customer convenience that can come with conversion to new payment systems, the technical capabilities of new technologies can often support policy goals such as increased access for disadvantaged customers, improved transit service delivery, and better management of limited roadway capacity.

Advances in transportation pricing technologies and policies will be explored through transit and toll payment system upgrade case studies, an overview of the development of managed lanes, and a review of new developments in the collection of mileage-based, or road user fees.  The presentation will close with a review of the improvements in transportation operations and service delivery that may be achieved through integration of new technologies.

Biographical Sketch

David Dick is a Senior Payment Systems Manager with CH2M HILL’s Transportation Business Group, providing consulting services to clients pursuing innovative transportation revenue collection programs.  Mr. Dick’s experience researching, implementing and managing the deployment and operation of electronic payment programs includes both vehicle tolling and transit fare payment systems, and spans 15 years from his graduate degree in Transportation Technology and Policy at UC Davis to his current position with CH2M HILL.

Mr. Dick’s recent experience with tolling and transit system development includes work advising the Oregon Department of Transportation on the scope and cost of establishing a tolling program, assessing ticketing options for implementation of the eFare electronic fare payment system with Portland TriMet, managing Clipper fare payment system design and implementation for small transit operators in the San Francisco Bay Area, and supporting development of the design and vision of the next generation of the Clipper program.  Highlights of Mr. Dick’s experience prior to joining CH2M HILL include his role managing all-electronic tolling conversion for the Golden Gate Bridge, managing toll payment back office system procurement for the Golden Gate Bridge District, and managing the rollout of the Clipper fare payment system with the six largest transit agencies in Bay Area for the Metropolitan Transportation Commission.

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