December 2, 2016


Reduce Bay Area Commuting by 25%, Using: Enterprise Commute Trip Reduction Software, Mobility Aggregation Apps, Gap-Filling Mobility Services, Drive Alone Sticks Fund Green Travel Carrots


1:40 pm - 3:00 pm


1605 Tilia, Room 1103, West Village


“Fair Value Commuting” is a comprehensive, five-part solution to reduce SOV commuting from 75% to 50%: 1) enterprise commute trip reduction (ECTR) software, 2) mobility aggregation (MobAg) app, 3) “Similar-to- Stanford” revenue neutral workplace parking feebate, 4) fill commute “gaps” with better options, 5) reduce systemic obstacles to seamless mobility. Topics: a) commute mode shift benefits, b) sparse evidence for commute reduction in auto-centered locations, c) “perfect storm” of state, regional and local policy demands 17% per- capita driving reduction, d) ideal ECTR + MobAg feature set, e) “gap-filling” includes e- bike/scooter, first/last mile, peer-to- peer instant carpooling, and bike stress reduction, f) autonomous vehicles increase driving and traffic, g) eight congestion pricing policies ranked on political viability and social equity, h) travel elasticity evidence reveals feebate efficacy, i) legislative path including a state bill, j) compelling business model and six-way win for key stakeholders.

Biographical Sketch

Steve Raney leads Joint Venture Silicon Valley’s Smart Mobility project to reduce Bay Area commuting by 25% (enterprise commute trip reduction software, mobility aggregation apps, gap-filling mobility services, drive alone sticks fund green travel carrots). Previously, Steve led autonomous vehicle commercialization studies for Nissan and Google and he led the EPA’s “Transforming Office Parks into Transit Villages” Study. He is the parent of MTC’s Climate Innovations grant program and holds the first peer-to- peer on-demand carpooling patent. Steve holds three masters: business, software, and transportation from Columbia, RPI, and Berkeley. Previously, Steve led Ultra Global Personal Rapid Transit’s North American operations. At London Heathrow Terminal 5, Ultra became the world’s second PRT electric autonomous vehicle transit system. With Ultra, Steve led last mile transit studies for Raleigh, Austin, San Jose Airport, Palo Alto, Pleasanton, Edina, Microsoft, and Oakland Airport, developing the first breakeven public private partnership business models.

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