Freeway tolling in California and implications for climate and equity
1:40pm - 3:00pm
1605 Tilia, Room 1103, West Village
Freeway managers across California are investing heavily in managed lanes, particularly Express or High Occupancy Toll Lanes. What is driving the current interest in HOT lanes, and what are the implications for travelers, as well as California’s climate and equity goals? How do HOT lanes perform relative to general purpose or carpool (HOV) lanes? Currently, Caltrans and YCTD are currently evaluating options for a new managed lane for I-80 in Yolo County. This presentation will examine the different alternatives proposed for Yolo County, and share case studies and findings from a recently-completed equity analysis and literature review of managed lanes.
Autumn is the Executive Director of the Yolo County Transportation District. With 15+ years experience in urban planning and transportation, she has dedicated her career to making California communities more sustainable, just and inclusive. Prior to joining YCTD, Autumn worked in the private and non-profit sectors. She was the founding Director of ClimatePlan, a statewide coalition, where she worked with advocates, MPOs and local leaders across California to implement SB 375, California’s Sustainable Communities Act and its vision of climate-smart mobility for all.
As a consultant, Autumn specialized in facilitating complex, multi-stakeholder policy development processes to solve California’s biggest challenges. She played a key role in CASA: The Committee to House the Bay Area, a blue-ribbon commission convened by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission in 2017-2018 to address the Bay Area’s housing crisis. She also led the creation of SACOG’s 2021 Next Generation Transit Strategy and the first-in-the-region Equity Study for the 101 Express Lanes in San Mateo County.
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