January 21, 2022

Dillon Fitch, Co-Director BicyclingPlus Research Collaborative, Research Faculty, Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis

This presentation is sponsored by ITS-Davis’ partnership with the Pacific Southwest Region University Transportation Center


From psychology to sustainability: how bikes and scooters can reshape urban mobility


1:40pm - 3:00pm


1605 Tilia, Room 1103, West Village


Integrating my recent research, I will discuss how individual-level bicycling attitudes and behavior demonstrate opportunities for reducing automobility. Using psychological experimentation, travel surveys, and GIS/GPS data to understand travel behavior, I focus my analysis on environment-behavior interactions in a variety of Californian urban contexts. I will discuss the role of local and state planning and policy in shaping those interactions and suggest ways to leverage bikes, electric bikes, electric scooters, and future micro-modes to improve transportation sustainability.

Biographical Sketch

Dillon Fitch is the Co-Director of the BicyclingPlus Research Collaborative at the Institute of Transportation Studies, UC Davis. His research focuses on bridging disciplines and institutions in studying bicycle mobility and emerging forms of micromobility. His recent published work spans travel behavior and transportation planning and has current projects on micromobility service impacts to car use and the evaluation of bike/pedestrian project benefits among others. Dillon received a BA in Political Science from UC Irvine, MS in Geography from San Diego State, and PhD in Transportation Technology and Policy from UC Davis.

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