June 4, 2020


Will partially automated vehicles change the way we drive?


10:00am - 11:00am

Biographical Sketch

Scott Hardman, Research Engineer, Plug-in Hybrid & Electric Vehicle Research Center, UC Davis

Consumers are purchasing and using partially automated vehicles-which use adaptive cruise control, steering assistance, and emergency braking to assist driving-yet little research has been done to understand how these vehicles are changing the way people drive. Research on personally-owned driverless vehicles suggests that these vehicles would result in large increases in vehicle use. What about partially automated vehicles, such as those with Tesla Autopilot or GM Super Cruise? By easing the driving experience, do they also induce more travel? Early evidence suggests yes. This presentation will explore qualitative and quantitative research findings from ITS UC Davis on how consumers are using partially automated vehicles, and how it is affecting their travel behavior.

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