Analysis of Approach Features from a Bicyclist Perspective to Estimate Performance Measures for Two-Way Stop-Controlled (TWSC) Intersections
1:40 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
1605 Tilia, Room 1103, West Village
The Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) provides Level of Service (LOS) methodologies which enable engineers and planners to estimate the performance of highway network elements (from the perspective of facility users) based on the physical characteristics of the elements. In the most recent version of the HCM a more holistic approach to traffic engineering, which accommodates all modes on complete streets, is supported by several LOS methodologies for modes other than the automobile (bicycle, pedestrian, and transit). For bicycle traffic the methodologies exist for signalized intersections, all-way stop-controlled (AWSC) intersections, and arterial segments. However, as of yet, no performance measure from the bicyclist perspective exist for two-way stop-controlled (TWSC) intersections, which are the most numerous intersections encountered by road users. This study first demonstrates that none of existing methodologies (developed for road segments and signalized/AWSC intersections) works well for the TWSC intersections. Performance measures for bicyclists on TWSC approaches are then developed through low-cost video data collection from sample TWSC intersections throughout California, collection of survey responses from viewers of the videos, and regression analysis of collected survey responses with physical attributes of each sample intersection as explanatory variables. Based on the analysis, it is recommended that separate equations be used for performance assessment at major and minor approaches at TWSC intersections.
Dr. Anurag Pande is Associate Professor of Civil Engineering at Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo. He has been an Engineering Educator for close to 10 years. His area of interest include traffic safety, road user behavior, ITS, and traffic simulation. He is member of the TRB committee on Safety Data Analysis and Evaluation (ANB20). He is the Editor of the 7th Edition of the Traffic Engineering Handbook for ITE (Institute of Transportation Engineers). The upcoming edition of the handbook is, for the first time, to go beyond the traditional automobile-centric solutions and provide the professionals with the tools to integrate complete street infrastructure addressing the needs of all modes into the urban and suburban environments.
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