May 13, 2011


Planning for California's Transportation Future


The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) is enhancing the State’s transportation planning process to respond to future challenges. Similar to requirements for regional transportation plans under Senate Bill (SB) 375 (Steinberg 2008), SB 391(Liu 2009) requires the State’s long-range transportation plan to meet California’s climate change goals under Assembly Bill (AB) 32.

In response to these statutes, Caltrans is preparing a state-level transportation blueprint to articulate the State’s vision for an integrated, multimodal interregional transportation system that complements regional transportation plans and land use visions. The CIB will integrate the State’s long-range modal plans and Caltrans-sponsored programs, and build upon regional transportation plans, using the latest technology and tools to enhance our ability to plan for and manage the transportation system.

The specific requirements of SB 391 (Liu) are:
•Identify the statewide integrated multimodal transportation system
•Prepare an Interim Report to legislature, by December 31, 2012, based on SB 375 sustainable communities strategies (SCS), and
•Develop the California Transportation Plan by December 31, 2015, that identifies the integrated, multimodal system needed to achieve the maximum feasible greenhouse gas emission reductions

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