May 20, 2016


Emerging Best Practices to Accelerate Electric Vehicle Deployment


1:40 pm - 3:00 pm


1605 Tilia, Room 1103, West Village


Governments around the world are working to promote the uptake of electric vehicles to meet air pollution, climate change, and energy goals. Electric vehicle promotion actions are diverse, including automotive regulatory policy, programs to increase charging infrastructure, fiscal incentives for consumer adoption, and consumer awareness activities. These activities each chip away at prevailing near-term barriers to pave the way for a broader, long term transition to an electric vehicle fleet. Nic will present recent work on how policies are accelerating electric vehicle adoption around the world, and what are emerging as the key underlying policy, technology, and market factors. The presentation will provide findings from recent analysis of leading national and local electric vehicle markets (e.g., in Norway, Netherlands, and California) with robust electric vehicle promotion packages in place.

Biographical Sketch

Nic has been working with the International Council on Clean Transportation since 2009. He is a published author on vehicle efficiency, vehicle regulation, cost-effectiveness analysis, and alternative fuels. He has a PhD from the University of California, Davis in Transportation Technology and Policy (Class of 2008).

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