A New Direction for the Zero Emission Vehicle Regulation
The California Air Resources Board (ARB) is revising and strengthening the Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Regulation with the following goals:
• Expand the ZEV Regulation to focus on long-term greenhouse gas (GHG) emission targets in addition to criteria pollutants while harmonizing the program with ARB’s other vehicle regulations, and
• Strengthen the ZEV Regulation for model years 2015 and subsequent, focusing on pure ZEV technology
To develop the framework for redesigning the ZEV Regulation, in 2009 ARB undertook a review of the status of current ZEV technologies, and analyzed numerous pathways to illustrate how the passenger vehicle sector can contribute to meeting California’s long-term 2050 GHG emission reduction goal. In 2010, ARB is analyzing the near-term advanced vehicle market prospects and focusing on specific regulatory changes. Mr. Cunningham will provide an overview of these activities and changes.
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