November 21, 2019


Gentrification and Displacement Near Los Angeles Rail Transit Stations


10:00am - 11:00am

Biographical Sketch

Gene Burinskiy – Researcher and PhD Candidate, Sol Price School of Public Policy, University of Southern California
Karen Chapple – Professor of City and Regional Planning, UC Berkeley
Marlon Boarnet – Professor of Public Policy, Sol Price School of Public Policy, University of Southern California

This webinar will summarize findings from a project aimed at addressing the question of “Is new rail transit associated with displacement of low-income residents in near-rail neighborhoods?” To address this question, the researchers used annual data on household locations and incomes from 1994 to 2012 to examine neighborhood income distributions and the pattern of residential moves by income in Los Angeles rail transit neighborhoods. The Los Angeles metropolitan area presents an ideal study area for analyzing transit-oriented development (TOD) and potential displacement. Since 1990, the Los Angeles Metropolitan Transit Authority (Metro) has opened 93 new rail-transit stations. An additional 17 are under construction.

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