Launching an Automated Active Transportation Data Collection System in San Diego, CA
Friday, 1:40 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
1605 Tilia, Room 1103, West Village
This talk will describe one region’s efforts to link active transportation performance monitoring to regional transportation planning by establishing a network of automated bicycle and pedestrian count stations along the proposed regional bicycle network, which was recently adopted in the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) 2050 Regional Transportation Plan. The implementation of this counting program grew out of collaboration between the County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA), San Diego State University (SDSU) public health and city planning researchers, and active transportation planning professionals at SANDAG.
The count station siting methodology employed a multi-step process where the regional bicycle network was segmented, and then stratified sampling employed to select a subset of bicycle network segments where counters would be installed. The siting methodology first established a comprehensive network of count stations representing ultimate coverage of the regional bicycle network (76 count stations). Then a subset of representative locations was selected for phase one count program implementation (35 counts stations). To date count equipment has been installed at 26 locations and the remainder is expected to be installed by November 2013. When fully implemented, this counting program will be one of the most comprehensive automated data collection systems of any region in the US
Support / Funding Source: This project was made possible by funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, through the County of San Diego.
Dr. Ryan has been researching, teaching and practicing in the area of transportation planning, built environment and travel behavior for the past 20 years. She has worked on numerous research projects funded by the UC Berkeley’s PATH, the National Institutes of Health, and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Most recently, she led the design and implementation of a regional automated bicycle and pedestrian counting system in San Diego, which promises to provide a rich source of active travel data to support improved analysis capabilities. Sherry’s career has been largely devoted to non-motorized transportation planning ideals and has focused on researching, teaching and practice efforts related to shifting communities away from automobile dependence. In addition to her academic experience, she brings significant practice experience having served as project manager for multiple local bicycle and pedestrian master planning efforts in California, Arizona and Mexico. Her joint academic and practice careers have allowed her to develop a professional foundation of great breadth, part exploratory research – part nuts-and-bolts planning practice.
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