Sustainable Transportation in California
1:40 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
1605 Tilia, Room 1103, West Village
The passage of AB 32 in 2006 put the State of California on the international stage as a leader in the battle against climate change. However, the State’s transportation sector has been somewhat slow to catch up. In this seminar, Deputy Secretary for Environmental Policy Kate White will discuss how the newly-formulated California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA) is seeking to better align the transportation sector with state environmental goals. Well beyond cleaner vehicles and fuels, CalSTA is pursuing transformative reform in everything from transportation planning, funding, partnerships, and project design. Ms. White will share the latest progress on high-speed rail, new cap-and-trade funded programs, the Active Transportation Program and Caltrans reform.
In September 2013, Governor Brown appointed Kate White as Deputy Secretary of Environmental Policy and Housing Coordination.
Prior to joining the Agency, Kate spent two decades in the sustainable development field, including as Initiative Officer at The San Francisco Foundation’s Great Communities Collaborative, Executive Director of the Urban Land Institute Bay Area District, founding Executive Director of the San Francisco Housing Action Coalition, and founding Co-Director at City CarShare. Kate also worked for Urban Ecology and the National Low Income Housing.
White earned a bachelor’s degree in political science at Oberlin College, and Master of Public Administration degree from San Francisco State University.
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