September 30, 2016


Implications of a Peak in Global Oil Demand


1:40 pm - 3:00 pm


1605 Tilia, Room 1103, West Village


Note This seminar has two sets of slides available. Click here to view the Changing Oil Market Fundamentals and the Implications for OPEC Strategy slides. Click here to view The Oil Price Conundrum: Cyclical, Geopolitical, or Technologically Structural? slides.

Oil has been a key to economic growth and human mobility. Roughly a third of the

world’s primary energy consumption is met by oil. Prevailing oil demand projections indicate

that most of the growth in oil use will come from the transportation sector. We examine

projected global oil demand sensitivity to slower economic growth in the developing world in

addition to other important trends such as the wider adoption of improved logistics, ride sharing,

advances in vehicle efficiency and other emerging trends to consider whether oil demand could

peak in the coming decades.

Biographical Sketch

Amy Myers Jaffe is a leading expert on global energy policy, geopolitical risk, and energy and sustainability. Jaffe serves as executive director for Energy and Sustainability at the Institute of Transportation Studies (ITS) at UC Davis. Prior to joining UC Davis, Jaffe served as founding director of the Energy Forum at Rice University's James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy. Jaffe is widely published, including as co-author of  “Oil, Dollars, Debt and Crises: The Global Curse of Black Gold” with Mahmoud El-Gamal and co- editor of “Natural Gas and Geopolitics From 1970 to 2040.” She currently serves as a member of the US National Petroleum Council and holds a senior fellow prize from the International Association for Energy Economics (2015). She is North American editor to Energy Strategy Reviews and a member of the editorial board of Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy (EEEP).

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