Honda Smart Home Unveiled at UC Davis

Honda, in collaboration with UC Davis, has unveiled one of the most advanced, zero net energy smart homes in West Village on the UC Davis campus.

Working with the Western Cooling Efficiency Center, the Energy Efficiency Center, and the California Lighting Technology Center, Honda partnered with UC Davis research to showcase energy efficient technology in this home of the near future.

The March 25 grand opening of  the Honda Smart Home allowed the public and the media to see the home and learn about sustainable design, green building concepts, advanced energy technology, and efficient landscaping.

UC Davis Provost and Vice Chancellor Ralph Hexter, Honda Vice President Steve Center, and Honda Smart Home Project Manager Michael Koenig spoke at the event before “digitally” cutting the ribbon to officially inaugurate the home.  Additionally, the California Lighting and Technology Center’s Michael Siminovitch and Western Cooling Efficiency Center’s Jonathan Woolley provided excellent commentary on the energy efficient features of the nearly 2,000 square foot home to guests and media alike.

The Honda Smart Home will generate enough energy for daily living, electric vehicle charging, and, in collaboration with PG&E, provide power back to the grid on demand. Built with energy efficient design in mind, the Honda Smart Home will use less than half the energy of a similarly-sized home in the Davis region.

Print Media
• New York Times: Car Companies Take Expertise in Battery Power Beyond the Garage (March 25)
• Davis Enterprise: House of the (near) future from Honda, UCD (March 26)
• Sacramento Business Journal: Honda ‘house of the near future’ unveiled at UC Davis (March 26)
• Green Car Reports: Honda Opens Demonstration Smart Home, With Fit EV Electric Car in Garage (March 26)

Broadcast Media
• Channel 3 (KCRA): Solar-powered home fuels car (March 25)
• Channel 40 (KTXL): ‘Smart Home’ Built on UC Davis Campus (March 25)
• Capital Public Radio (KXJZ): Will Your Next House Produce More Energy Than It Consumes? (March 25)

• Christian Science Monitor: Honda unveils model house built to support electric car (March 26)
• Asahi Shimbun newspaper: Honda smart home plugs into hopes for zero carbon living, mobility (March 26)
• Honda smart home offers vision for zero carbon living (March 26)
• Jalopnik: This Is The Zero Carbon House That Honda Built (March 25)

Campus Promotion
• UC Davis Dateline: Honda showcases smart way to live, drive (March 25)
• UC Davis News Release: Honda Smart Home at UC Davis West Village offers vision for zero carbon living (March 25)

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