Mobility Quest (MobQuest) is a 5-day adventure for transportation students. Mobility Quest 2015 will take place on September 8th – September 12th.
Day 1 – San Francisco Bay Area
Description: Meetings with BART, Tesla, and Lyft.
Lodging: overnight in Paso Robles
Days 2 & 3 – San Diego
Description: Meeting with Sempra Energy, the UCSD Center of Energy Resources, and the San Diego Metropolitan Transit System.
Lodging: overnight near Mission Beach
Day 4 – Los Angeles
Description: Meetings with the LA Port Authority, Union Station, and the Cal State Hydrogen Research and Refueling Facility.
Lodging: overnight in Bakersfield
Day 5 – Yosemite National Park
Description: Meetings with various people at the park in charge of wilderness management, transportation planning, and sustainability operations in Yosemite.
Lodging: returning to Davis in the evening
The purpose of this off-campus orientation trip is to introduce entering transportation graduate students to a wide variety of transportation issues throughout the region. The second, and considered by some to be the most important purpose, is to provide students with the opportunity to get to know each other prior to starting the academic year.
When you submit your Statement of Intent to register, you will also receive a registration form for MobQuest 2015. You are required to submit this form before June 1st to take part in the adventure.
The liability form can be found here.
The cost of participation is covered by UC Davis – Institute of Transportation Studies. Transportation, lodging, and meals are provided.
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