These are the approved elective courses for TTP Graduate Group students. Other transportation students may also enroll.
Notes: Courses normally appear only under one category even though they may overlap multiple categories. Courses in bold are taught or especially recommended by TTP faculty. Additional courses in any category may be added with the approval of the Master Graduate Adviser. Individual exceptions may also be approved where there is a clear programmatic justification. Although a number of approved courses are undergraduate level, be aware of the restrictions on the minimum number of units that must be taken at the graduate level. Also be aware that many courses have prerequisites, some of which are “softer” than others. If you are interested in a class but haven’t taken the prereq, check with the instructor.
For descriptions of each course, please find the course number in the online catalog.
It is essential to obtain some specific knowledge of transportation and related models, policies, and analysis approaches. Courses in this category cover areas such as resource, environmental, and land use law; environmental economics; organizational behavior; survey research; travel and purchase behavior; and policy formulation, implementation, and evaluation.
Policy Process
ENV 201, Environmental Law
ESP 212A Environmental Policy Process
ESP 212B/ECL 212B/ENV 200B Environmental Policy Evaluation
POL 175 Science, Technology and Policy
POL 187 Administrative Theory
POL 208 Policy Analysis
Policy Evaluation
ESP 168A Methods of Environmental Policy Evaluation
EDU 222 Policy Analysis
Transportation/Environment Planning/Policy
ECI 165 Transportation Policy (recommended for grad students with no previous transport courses)
ECI/ESP 163 Energy and Environmental Aspects of Transportation (a graduate version of this course will be offered in the future)
ECI 252 Sustainable Transportation Technology and Policy
ECI 258 Transportation Planning in Developing Countries
ECI 269 Transportation-Air Quality: Theory and Practice
ECI 289 Transportation Budgeting and Finance
ECL 213 Population, Environment, and Social Structure
ESP 167 Energy Policy (recommended for students with broader energy interests)
ESP 171 Environmental Planning
ESP 179 Environmental Impact Reporting
ECI 244A Life Cycle Modeling for Sustainable Engineering
TTP 220 Transportation Planning and Policy
TTP 289A Energy Journal Review
Land Use/Urban Planning
ARE 144 Real Estate Economics
CRD 171 Housing and Social Policy
CRD 240 Human and Community Development-Community Development History
CRD 245 Political Economy of Urban and Regional Development
ENH 110 Urban and Regional Planning
GEO 155 Urban Geography
LDA 180G. Special Topics in Landscape Architecture: Landscape and Regional Land Planning
LDA 180L. Special Topics in Landscape Architecture: Public Open Space
LDA 180M Urban and Community Design: Lecture
LDA 181M Urban and Community Design: Design and Planning Studio
LDA 201 Landscape Architecture-Theory and Philosophy of the Designed Environment
LDA 202 Methods in Design and Landscape Research
LDA 205 Physical Planning and Urban Design
LDA 215 Ecologies of Infrastructure
LDA 220 Public Space
ARE 100B Intermediate Microeconomics: Imperfect Competition, Markets, and Welfare
ARE 130 Agricultural Markets
ARE/ESP 175 Natural Resource Economics
ARE 176 Environmental Economics
ARE 202C Research Design for Applied Econometrics
ARE 204 Microeconomic Analysis
ARE/ECN 240A Econometric Methods
ARE/ECN 240B Econometric Methods
ARE/ECN 240C Time Series Econometrics
ARE/ECN 240D Cross Section Econometrics
ARE/ECN 240E Topics in Time Series Econometrics
ARE/ECN 240F Topics in Cross Section Econometrics
ARE/ESP 275 Economic Analysis of Resource and Environmental Policies
ARE 276 Environmental Economics
ARE 277 Natural Resource Economics
ECI 268 Infrastructure (Public Works) Economics
ECN 101 Intermediate Macro Theory
ECN 200D Macroeconomic Theory
ARE 136 Managerial Marketing
ENG 250 Technology Management
*MGT 240 Management Policy and Strategy
*MGT 251 Management of Innovation
*MGT 293 Consumer Behavior
*Courses offered through the Graduate School of Management have very limited enrollment and are open to non-MBA students on a space-available basis.
Behavioral Sciences
ANT 104N Cultural Politics of the Environment
ANT 127 Urban Anthropology
ANT 211 Advanced Topics in Cultural Ecology
ANT 222 Cities and Citizenship
CMN 170 Communication, Technology, and Society
CRD 162 People, Work and Technology
HIS 172 American Environmental History
POL 279 Political Networks: Methods and Applications
PSC 155 Environmental Awareness
SOC 141 Industrialization and Social Change
SOC 143A Urban Society
SOC 143B Sociology of City Life
SOC 160 Environmental Sociology
All students will be expected to gain some knowledge of advanced environmental vehicle technologies, emissions and energy use of internal combustion engines, “intelligent transportation system” technologies, and the basic science underlying those technologies. Approved courses in this area are listed below. Many of the listed courses are at the undergraduate level because these are the more general “technology” courses. Many more graduate-level technology courses are offered across the campus, but they are more specific and specialized. Students may add those other courses to the approved list by petitioning the Group Chair. It is expected that this will not be an infrequent occurrence for those following the technology track.
Air Quality/Emissions
ATM 116 Climate Change
ATM 270 Air Pollution Instrumentation
ECI 149 Introduction to Air Pollution
ECI 242 Air Quality
ECI 269 Transportation-Air Quality: Theory and Practice
EME 161 Combustion and the Environment
ERS 131 Air as a Resource
GIS/Remote Sensing
ABT 181N Concepts and Methods in Geographics Information Systems
ABT 182 Environmental Analysis using GIS
ABT 150 / LDA 150 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
ERS 186 Environmental Remote Sensing
GEO 200CN – Quantitative Geography
Quantitative Methods
EAD 116 Computer Solution of Physical Problems
EAL 220A,B Artificial Neural Nets
ECS 168 Information Systems
EEC 207 Pattern Recognition and Classification
Transportation and Infrastructure Systems
ECI 143 Green Engineering Design and Sustainability
ECI 161 Transportation Systems Engineering
ECI 162 Transportation System Design
ECI 179 Pavement Engineering
ECI 244 Life Cycle Modeling for Sustainable Engineering
ECI 250 Civil Infrastructure System Optimization and Identification
ECI 253 Dynamic Programming and Multistage Decision Processes
ECI 256 Urban Traffic Management and Control
ECI 257 Flows in Transportation Networks
ECI 282 Pavement Design and Rehabilitation
TTP 289A Energy Journal Review
Vehicle Design
EBS 216 Energy Systems
EME 134 Vehicle Stability
EME 161 Combustion and the Environment
EME 163 Internal Combustion Engines
EME 188 Vehicle Systems Design Project
MAE 216 Advanced Thermodynamics
MAE 217 Combustion
MAE 218 Advanced Energy Systems
MAE 226 Acoustics and Noise Control
MAE 234 Design and Dynamics of Road Vehicles
MAE 236 Aerodynamics in Nature and Technology
MAE 258 Hybrid Electric Vehicle Theory and Design
MAE 269 Fuel Cell Systems
A distinguishing characteristic of modern engineering, planning, policy analysis, and management is the ability to apply statistical techniques to technological testing and public/private decision making. Courses in statistics and other research methods will provide the student with the knowledge and tools essential to planning and analyzing solutions to problems plaguing transportation – a cluster of complex sociotechnical systems. Accordingly, coursework in these areas is a fundamental component of this program.
Research Methods
*MGT 249 Marketing Research
TTP 200 Transportation Survey Methods
*Courses offered through the Graduate School of Management have very limited enrollment and are open to non-MBA students on a space-available basis.
Statistics/Quantitative Methods
AGR/PLS 205 Experimental Design and Analysis
AGR/PLS 206 Multivariate Systems and Modeling
ANT 291 Statistical Rethinking
ARE 106 Quantitative Methods in Agricultural Economics
ARE/ECN 256 Applied Econometrics
EAD 115 Introduction to Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists
EBS 265 Design and Analysis of Engineering Experiments
ECI 254 Exploring Data from Built Environment Using R
ECN 140 Econometrics
ECN 240A Econometric Methods (regression)
ECN 240B Econometric Methods (simultaneous equations)
ECN 240C Time Series Econometerics
MAE 207 Engineering Experimentation and Uncertainty Analysis
PSC 204A Statistical Analysis of Psychological Experiments
PSC 204B Causal Modeling of Correlational Data
PSC 204C Applied Psychometrics and Measurement Theory
PSC 204D Advanced Statistical Inference from Psychological Experiments
PSC 205A Applied Multivariate Analysis of Psychological Data
PSC 205B Factor Analysis
PSC 205C Structural Equation Modeling
PSC 205D Multilevel Modeling
STA 106 Analysis of Variance
STA 108 Regression Analysis
STA 130Mathematical Statistics: Brief Course
STA 131A Introduction to Probability Theory
STA 131B,C Mathematical Statistics
STA 135 Multivariate Data Analysis
STA 137 Applied Time Series Analysis
STA 138 Analysis of Categorical Data
STA 140 Introduction to Biostatistics
STA 142 Reliability
STA 144 Sampling Theory of Surveys
STA 145 Bayesian Statistical Inference
STA 205 Statistical Methods for Research
STA 208 Statistical Methods in Machine Learning
STA 222 Biostatistics: Survival Analysis
STA 223 Biostatistics: Linear Models
Qualitative Methods
ANT 138 Ethnographic Research Methods in Anthropology
CRD 151 & L. Community Field Research: Theory and Analysis,
Field Experience
Operations Research
ARE 155 Quantitative Analysis for Business Decisions
ARE 252 Applied Linear Programming
ARE 253 Optimization Techniques with Economic Applications
ARE 254 Dynamic Optimization Techniques with Economic Applications
ARE 255 Advanced Topics in Economic Dynamics
ECI 153 Deterministic Optimization and Design
ECI 249 Probabilistic Design and Optimization
MAT 108 Introduction to Abstract Mathematics
MAT 227 Scientific Computation Applied to Problems in Biology
MAT 258A,B Numerical Optimization I, II
TTP 289, Innovations in Energy Efficiency
TTP 289, The Economics of Energy Efficiency and Climate Change Mitigation
TTP 289, Energy Efficiency: Understanding the Other Side of the Meter
NUT 492A Professionalism SOC 298 Professional Integrity and the Contemporary University
TTP 292 Internship in Transportation Technology and Policy
TTP 396 Teaching Assistant Training Practicum
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