February 26-27, 2018
ARC Ballroom
232 Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616
For the first time in many decades, the passenger transportation system is experiencing massive innovation. These innovations could lead toward dramatically different futures. One future could be more urban sprawl, energy use, greenhouse gas emissions, and unhealthy cities and individuals. The other future could bring huge public and private benefits, including more transport choices, greater affordability and accessibility, and healthier, more livable cities, along with less vehicle use and fewer greenhouse gas emissions.
This conference focused on key policies and strategies that will put us on the latter path—focusing on potential synergies between electrification, automation, and vehicle and ride sharing, and those policies that enhance the synergies. Key questions included timing (will changes be evolutionary or revolutionary), role of different levels of government, and relative importance of different policy goals and innovations. The conference led to the development of the 3 Revolutions Policy Initiative.
We invited leading transportation experts and policy leaders to help design policies for rapidly evolving technological and service innovations. This conference was highly interactive and engaging, reflecting the reality that policies and research are lagging what is happening in the marketplace.
A product of the conference is a series of policy briefs, followed by a book—with contributions from many of the conference participants.
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