Computing New Dimensions for Use in Multimodal Access Metrics
E-Bikes’ Effect on Mode and Route Choice: A Case Study of Richmond, VA Bike Share
Operating and Designing Microtransit Services with Virtual Stops
Goods Delivery in Urban Areas: Parking Behaviors, Challenges, and Solutions
Transportation: Idea to Implementation
Advancing a Seamless Transit System in the Bay Area and California
PhDs and Entrepreneurship: My Experience with and Thoughts on Both
Lawsuits and Consent Decrees: Tools for Transit Equity?
Caltrans: Developing the Statewide Transportation Equity Index
Freeway Removal: Lessons from the Past to Inform an Equitable Transport Future
Estimating Aviation vs Passenger Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Surveyed Intercity Trips
Caltrans: Linking Transportation Innovation to a Greater Future
Spatial analytics approaches for equitable transportation planning
Defining a Mobility Justice Research Agenda for Transportation Equity in California
Planning for Equitable Micromobility
Public Attitudes and Preferences Toward a Hypothetical Future System of Shared Automated Vehicles - Ryuichi Kitamura Award for the Best Paper authored by a student
Is Online Grocery Shopping as Sticky as In-person Shopping?
A Sneak Preview of Shifting Gears
Beyond Three Revolutions: Hydrogen Economy
Smart Information Systems for Sustainable Decision Support in Ports
Population Health Intervention Research: experiences of population health researcher working in transportation space
Turning wide streets into housing
Electric Vehicles-Buildings Nexus: Urban Charging Management in Multi-Unit Dwellings and Offices
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