Required (Core) Courses

Knowledge Areas

Requirement Courses
Transportation Technology
MS: 1
PhD: 1
TTP 210 (1)
Transportation Policy
MS: 1
PhD: 1
TTP 220 (2)
ECI 252
Transportation Systems
MS: 1
PhD: 1
ECI 251

Skill Areas

Requirement Courses
Research Design (3)
MS: 1
PhD: 1
TTP 200 (P)(4)
ESP 278 (P)
PSC 207 (P)
EBS 265 (T)(5)
PLS(AGR) 205 (T)
MAE 207 (T)
STA 205 (T)(5)
STA 206 (T)(5)
MS: 1
PhD: 1
ARE 176
ARE 204A
ARE 275
ARE 298 (Advanced Topics in Environmental and Resource Economics)
ECN 125
ECN 145
ARE 175/ESP 175
ECI 268
TTP 289 (Urban Economics)
Transportation Models and
Quantitative Methods
MS: 1
PhD: 2
ARE 252
ARE 253
ARE 254
ARE 256
ECI 249
ECI 253
ECI 254
ECI 256
ECI 269
MAT 258 A/B
Future Courses (6)
STA 108
STA 106
STA 138
EBS 265 (5)
PLS(AGR) 206
PHY 204

Integration and Breadth

Requirement Courses
Weekly ITS Seminar (7) TTP 281
Transportation Orientation Seminar (8) TTP 282
Research TTP 290C / 299

These are the required courses for TTP Graduate Group students. Other transportation students are also welcome to enroll.

Note:  P or T following a course indicates course is specifically recommended for students pursuing Policy (P) or Technology (T) emphasis.

(1) Technology students may place out of TTP 210 depending on prior education and experience; EBS 216 or MAE 218 must be taken in place of TTP 210.

(2) TTP 220 taught by Susan Handy and ECI 252 taught by Dan Sperling, in alternate years. Courses have some overlap but different policy emphases. Both courses may be taken for credit, one as the core requirement and the other as a policy elective.

(3) Students should consult with their major professors about which research design course is most appropriate given their proposed research topic; PhD students are encouraged to take at least one research design class of each type.

(4) MGT 249 may be taken in addition to TTP 200 with the approval of the graduate adviser and major professor.

(5) EBS 265 may be taken to fulfill either the Research Design or Transportation Models/Quantitative Methods requirement, but cannot be counted both places.  Credit will be allowed for only one of EBS 265, PLS (AGR) 205, and STA 205, regardless of where EBS 265 is counted.

(6) Future modeling courses may include energy systems modeling, vehicle simulation, overview of transportation models.

(7) Students are required to enroll in the weekly ITS Seminar (TTP 281) during the first two years of their program. (Attendance Policy)

(8) The Transportation Orientation seminar (TTP 282) is a one-unit course for incoming students and other interested students that provides an orientation to the transportation field with presentations by faculty members on different transportation topics each week. This seminar is taught in the fall quarter.

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