This year, Mobility Quest (MobQuest) will be a 4-day experience for incoming ITS-Davis students. There are two main purposes for MobQuest: First, to introduce you to your new community of fellow incoming students, continuing students, and researchers; Second, to introduce you to a variety of transportation trends, topics, and issues that may influence your time here.
This event will be a virtual online event beginning daily at 10:00am Pacific Time. No lodging, transportation or food will be provided.
Faculty host: Prof Susan Handy, Chair, Transportation Technology and Policy Graduate Group; Graduate Adviser, Transportation Technology and Policy Graduate Group; Professor, Environmental Science and Policy; Director, National Center for Sustainable Transportation
Topics: Introduction to Davis from an urban planning and transportation standpoint, tell the story of how Davis got to be a bicycling city, discuss UCD bicycling research.
Faculty host: Adjunct Professor Austin Brown, Executive Director of the Policy Institute.
Topics: Overview of transportation and climate inequities and environmental justice, student leadership on equity and environmental justice, meet with environmental justice leaders at Strategic Growth Council (virtually), Caltrans, and CARB / CalEPA, roundtable discussion with TEEJAG members.
Faculty host: Dr. Giovanni Circella, Director, 3 Revolutions Future Mobility Program
Topics: The history of transportation and land use in the US society.
Faculty host: Dr. Gil Tal, Director, Plug-in Hybrid & Electric Vehicle (PH&EV) Research Center, and Dr. Alan Jenn, Professional Researcher.
Topics: Electric vehicles
As this year’s MobQuest will be an on-campus event, as county and state health guidelines permit. No lodging will be provided. Transportation to and from off campus events, as well as meals, will be provided during MobQuest.
We are still organizing specific activities for this year’s MobQuest. As we will be on-campus for MobQuest this year, we do not anticipate the need to pack a separate travel bag. However, Davis in September is very hot and sunny during the day but can be cool and windy at night. We anticipate a significant amount of time will be spent outdoors. We recommend you have access to:
Questions? Contact Peter Benoliel (
Mobility Quest 2019
Mobility Quest 2018
Mobility Quest 2017 [Coverage]
Mobility Quest 2016 [Coverage]
Mobility Quest 2015 [Photos]
Mobility Quest 2014 [Photos]
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