This is the Twelfth Biennial Conference on Transportation and Energy hosted by the UC Davis Institute of Transportation Studies and organized under the auspices of the Energy and Alternative Fuels Committees of the U.S. Transportation Research Board.
Climate and Transportation Solutions: Findings from the 2009 Asilomar Conference on Transportation and Energy Policy
Daniel Sperling and James S. Cannon, editors. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, 2010.
Day 1, Tuesday – July 22nd, 2009
7:45 – 9:00p.m.
Session 1: Should Developing countries worry about CO2 emissions?
Moderator: Lee Schipper (Stanford University) (Presentation PDF Download)
Global Policy for Sustainable Low Carbon Transport in Developing Countries
Cornie Huizenga, Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities Center
Sustainable Transport and Restraining CO2 emissions in Latin America – Good News from a Forgotten Continent
Adriana de Almeida Lobo, Center for Sustainable Transport, Mexico City
Day 2, Wednesday – July 23rd, 2009
9:00a.m. – Noon
Keynote Presentations
Welcome and Introduction: Dan Sperling (UC Davis)
Mary Nichols, Chairman, California Air Resources Board (No Presentation Available for Download)
Mort Downey, Senior Advisor, Parsons Brinckerhoff; former Deputy Secretary, U.S. DOT (No Presentation Available for Download)
David McCurdy, President and CEO, Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers (Presentation PDF Download)
1:30 – 3:00pm
Session 2: Transportation Trends and Policies
Moderator: Jonathan Rubin (University of Maine)
Transportation Fuel and CO2 Forecasts
John Conti, U.S. Energy Information Administration
IEA Transportation Energy Outlook
Lew Fulton, International Energy Agency
3:00 – 6:00pm
Session 3: Fuels Policy
Moderator: Robert Larson (U.S. EPA)
Low Carbon Fuel Standard and Related Policies
Sonia Yeh, UC Davis
Ralph Moran, BP (Presentation PDF Download)
Ed Kjaer, Southern California Edison (Presentation PDF Download)
Mark Laser, Dartmouth (Presentation PDF Download)
Roland Hwang, NRDC (Presentation PDF Download)
Additional Comments from:
Carmen Difiglio, U.S. DOE (Presentation PDF Download)
Day 3, Thursday – July 24th, 2009
9:00a.m. – Noon
Session 4: Future of Vehicle Fuel Economy and Greenhouse Gas Standards
Moderator: John Viera (Ford Motor Company) (Presentation PDF Download)
Future Vehicle Technology Assessment
K.G. Duleep, ICF International
Federal GHG Plans
Jeff Alson, U.S. EPA
Policy Implications of Achieving Technology Goals
John German, International Council on Clean Transportation
Caps, CAFE and Balance
John DeCicco, Environmental Defense Fund
1:30 – 3:30p.m.
Session 5: Policies to Reduce Vehicle Travel
Moderator: David Burwell (BBG Group)
Moving Cooler: by how much can a comprehensive setup policies reduce vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and associated GHG Emissions?
Joanne R. Potter, Cambridge Systematics
Performance Measurement, Data Needs and Economic Co-benefits
Steve Winkelman, Center for Clean Air Policy
Smart Growth and climate change: California’s SB375 and Sacramento’s Blueprint experience
Mike McKeever, Sacramento Area Council of Governments
The role of energy security and climate change in national surface transportation policy (No Presentation available for Download)
Paula Hammond, Secretary, Washington State DOT
4:00 – 6:00p.m.
Session 6: Freight Transport
Moderator: Marianne Mintz (Argonne National Laboratory) (Presentation PDF Download)
Technologies and Policies to Improve Truck Fuel Efficiency
Tony Greszler, Volvo Truck
A Global and U.S. Framework for Increasing the Efficiency of Trucks
John German presenting for Fanta Kamakaté, International Council on Clean Transportation
Improving the Energy Efficiency and Environmental Performance of Goods Movement: A Systems Perspective
James Winebrake, RIT
Discussant: John Boesel, CalStart (Presentation PDF Download)
7:30 – 9:00p.m.
Session 7: Challenges for Technology and Innovation
Moderator: Carmen Difiglio (U.S. DOE) (No Presentation Available for Download) and Jack Johnston (ExxonMobil, retired) (Presentation PDF Download)
Future Transportation Fuels & Vehicles – Options, Opportunities, and Challenges
Trevor Demayo, Chevron
Can Innovation De-Carbonize Transportation?
Robert Marlay, U.S. DOE
Smarter Ways to Stimulate Innovation and Create Value
David Vincent, Carbon Trust, UK
Day 4, Friday – July 31st, 2009
9:00 – 11:30am
Session 8: Closing Session
Moderator: David Greene (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) and Patrick Olivia (Michelin)
Chris Yang, UC Davis (Presentation PDF Download)
Joan Ogden, UC Davis (Presentation PDF Download)
Thomas Eizember, Exxon Mobil Corporation (Presentation PDF Download)
Peter Reilly-Roe, ICCT (No Presentation Available for Download)
Tom Cackette, California ARB (Presentation PDF Download)
David McCurdy, Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers (Presentation PDF Download)
Mike Jackson, TIAX LLC (Presentation PDF Download)
Cindy Burbank, Parsons Brinckerhoff (Presentation PDF Download)
Bob Yuhnke, Southwest Energy Efficiency Project (No Presentation Available for Download)
Sandrine Dixson-Decleve, Hart Energy Consulting (Presentation PDF Download)
Dan Sperling, UC Davis (No Presentation Available for Download)
Cypress Level Sponsors
Otter Level Sponsors
Other SponsorsSurdna Foundation, AASHTO, Transport Canada, Caltrans, ITS-Davis Corporate AffiliatesAramco, ExxonMobil, Mitsui Power Systems, |
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