Pat Mokhtarian is a dedicated teacher and student mentor who inspires colleagues around the world with her probing and thought-provoking research. She has made important contributions to our understanding of the impact of telecommunications technology on travel behavior, land use and transportation interactions, attitudes toward travel itself, congestion-response behavior, travel time budgets, induced demand, and the transportation and air quality impacts of transportation demand management measures.
To honor Pat, her students, colleagues and friends are coming together to create the Patricia Mokhtarian Fund for Travel Behavior at UC Davis. The fund will support travel to UC Davis or internationally for student winners of the TRB Ryuichi Kitamura Paper Award to provide a greater opportunity for intellectual interchange. This support will be recognized as the Patricia Mokhtarian Award for Travel Behavior. Student winners of the TRB Ryuichi Kitamura Paper Award also receive a cash prize supported by contributions to the Ryuichi Kitamura Fund.
As the founding chair of the interdisciplinary Graduate Group in Transportation Technology and Policy at UC Davis and the program’s graduate advisor, Pat set the cornerstone for the study of travel behavior and transportation here. Though she is now at Georgia Tech, her significant and enduring contributions at UC Davis include a strong and growing graduate group and an insightful body of work using rigorous quantitative methods that inspire her colleagues and students, many of whom credit her with making their careers.
Please join the many friends and colleagues of Pat who have contributed to the Mokhtarian Fund. Our goal for the first year is to raise $50,000, which will allow annual awards of approximately $2,000 to be made. Gifts at all levels are welcome, including pledges (up to five years), planned gifts, and gifts of stock and real property. Gifts may be made online, or by using the gift form below. For more information on making a gift or pledge, please contact Taylor Shinnick at 530-752-6548 or
Steering Committee
Xinyu (Jason) Cao (Chair), Michael Bagley, Chandra Bhat, Cynthia Chen, Sangho Choo, Michael Clay, Susan Handy, David Ory, Ram Pendyala, Gil Tal
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