Volker, Jamey
Sanguinetti, Angela
Angela Sanguinetti is a Research Environmental Psychologist at the UC Davis Institute of Transport Studies and Energy & Efficiency Institute. She earned a B.S. and M.S. in Psychology with an emphasis in Behavior Analysis from CSU Stanislaus, and a Ph.D. in Planning, Policy and Design with an emphasis in Design-Behavior Research from UC Irvine’s School of Social Ecology in 2013. Angela’s research interests center on how the design of the built environment, including our neighborhoods, homes, and vehicles, impacts our behavior and well-being. She directs the Consumer Energy Interfaces Lab (, which focuses on the topic of eco-feedback–interfaces that provide information about natural resource use (e.g., energy feedback) to consumers with the aim of promoting more resource-responsible behavior. Dr. Sanguinetti is also Director of the Cohousing Research Network, which seeks to increase the rigor and reach of research on collaborative neighborhoods. At UC Davis since 2014, she has worked on over 30 research grants and authored over 50 peer-reviewed publications.
Hardman, Scott
Scott Hardman is Associate Research Faculty and Assistant Director of the Electric Vehicle Research Center at the University of California Davis. He is a behavioural researcher focused on electric vehicles and automated vehicles. This includes understanding the buyers of EVs & AVs, consumer preferences and purchase motivations, travel behaviour, and researching policies to manage the adoption of both technologies. He holds a PhD in Hydrogen Fuel Cells and Their Applications from the University of Birmingham, UK.
Scott chairs the International EV Policy Council, a global initiative that brings together academics from different countries to develop evidence-based policy recommendations for national and regional policymakers. He is on the Editorial Board of Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment and on the Program Committee of the Behaviour Energy & Climate Change (BECC) Conference.
Witcover, Julie
Julie Witcover is an Assistant Project Scientist at the Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California-Davis, focusing on analysis of low carbon fuel policies, particularly biofuel supply and land use change modeling, and at the Policy Institute for Energy, Environment, and the Economy, provides technical review to policymakers on these topics. She worked in the 1990s as an analyst at the International Food Policy Research Institute, focusing on the nexus of agricultural, socioeconomic, and environmental issues. She received a Ph.D. in Agricultural and Resource Economics from UC Davis in 2008, an M.A. in International Economics from Johns Hopkins University, and a bachelor’s degree in Government from Harvard College.
Wang, Yunshi
Yunshi Wang is the director of the China Center for Energy and Transportation of the UC Davis Institute of Transportation Studies. He is co-director of the China–U.S. ZEV Policy Lab, a landmark partnership between UC Davis and CATARC, the administrative body that oversees and regulates many activities of the auto industry in China. He worked as a research fellow at the MIT Sloan School of Management, conducting research on the Chinese economy with Dean Emeritus and Professor Lester Thurow. As an energy economist, he has worked with the World Bank on China-related energy projects and energy demand projection, as well as with the Japanese government (JICA) in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. He also worked as a researcher at the United Nations Development Program. He received a master’s degree in International Development (economic and social development) from the American University, and a master’s degree in English from Boston University with a top fellowship; he studied under Nobel laureate Saul Bellow and Leslie Epstein. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Shanghai Maritime University in English and Shipping Law and Business.
Rodier, Caroline
Dr. Caroline Rodier is the Associate Director of the Urban Land Use and Transportation Center at the University of California, Davis. Her major areas of research include transportation and environmental planning and policy analysis. Caroline has extensive experience applying land use and transportation models to explore both their promise and limits to inform public investment, planning, and policy decisions. At the University of California, Davis, she managed the development activity-based microsimulation models for the State of California and the San Joaquin Valley. She currently applies these models to investigate demand management policy synergisms, performance measurement, and policy effects on inter-regional and commercial vehicle travel. Previously, as a Senior Research at the Transportation Sustainability Research Center at the University of California, Berkeley, she designed and implemented research evaluation programs for transit and truck smart parking systems, shared-use low-speed modes, and automated speed enforcement systems. She currently serves at the Chair of the Transportation Research Board’s Emerging and Innovative Public Transport and Technologies Committee. Caroline holds a Ph.D. in Ecology and an M.S. in Community Development from the University of California, Davis and a B.A. in U.S. History from Barnard College, Columbia University.
Miller, Marshall
Dr. Miller received his Ph.D. in physics from the University of Pennsylvania. After a post-doc at the University of Chicago, he joined the Institute of Transportation Studies at the University of California, Davis in 1993. His work focuses on advanced technologies and fuels to increase fuel economy and reduce emissions in the transportation sector. He manages the Advanced Vehicle Propulsion Systems Laboratory at UC Davis where he studies batteries and ultracapacitors to understand their applications in vehicles. He has developed models to assess the potential greenhouse gas reductions and cost implications from the market penetration of new vehicle technologies in the light-duty and trucking sectors. He has worked with transit agencies, utilities, regulatory agencies, industry, and non-profits to understand the implications of specific vehicle and fuel technologies including fuel cells, batteries, hydrogen, and biofuels.