2007 Asilomar Conference

Asilomar Conference Grounds

August 21-24, 2007

Climate Change

This is the Eleventh Biennial Conference on Transportation and Energy hosted by the UC Davis Institute of Transportation Studies and organized under the auspices of the Energy and Alternative Fuels Committees of the U.S. Transportation Research Board.

Executive Summary

Reducing Climate Impacts in the Transportation Sector Daniel Sperling and James S. Cannon, editors. Springer, 2009.


Day 1, Wednesday – August 22, 2007
9:00 a.m. – Opening Session

Getting Real on Climate Change
     Peter Schwartz, Co-Founder and Chair, Global Business Network
Transportation and Climate Policy
     Mary Nichols, Chair, California Air Resources Board
Transport and GHG Emissions
     Jack Short, Secretary General, International Transport Forum
Sustainable Transportation
     John Horsley, Executive Director, AASHTO

1:30 p.m. – Session 2: Overview of Transportation, Energy, Climate Change Trends

Duncan Eggar, Senior Business Advisor, BP Group
Energy Security Benefits of Reduced Oil Use and Imports
     Paul Leiby, Energy Analysis Group, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Energy Security, Climate, and Your Car: US Energy Policy and Beyond
     Amy Myers Jaffe, Associate Director, Baker Institute, Rice University
EU Transport Climate Policy: Experience to Date and Future Prospects
     Malcolm Fergusson, Senior Fellow, Institute for European Environmental Policy

3:30 p.m. – Session 3 : Travel Demand, Infrastructure, and Urban Form: Lessons and Visions

     Steve Winkelman, Manager of Transportation, Center for Clean Air Policy
London’s Efforts to Curb Traffic Growth
     Mark Evers, Principal Associate, Transport for London
CO2 Reduction through Better Urban Design: Portland’s Story
     Rex Burkholder, Councilor, Portland Metro Council
King Count’s Vision for Land Use, Infrastructure and Climate Change
     Ron Sims, Executive, King County, Washington

Day 2, Thursday – August 23, 2007
9:00 a.m. – Session 4: Vehicle and Fuel Technologies

Light Duty Vehicle Technology: The Potential for Reducing Fuel Consumption and GHG Emissions
     John Heywood, Director, Sloan Automotive Laboratory, MIT
Alternative Fuels
     Sarah Dunham, Director, Transportation and Climate Division, U.S. EPA
Light Duty Vehicle Technologies: Opportunities and Challenges
     John German, Manager, Environmental and Energy Analyses, American Honda Motor Company
Heavy Duty Vehicle Technology
     Anthony Greszler, Vice President, Advanced Engineering, Volvo Powertrain North America
Alternative Fuel Technology
     Robert Wooley, Director, Process Engineering, Abengoa Bioenergy

1:30 p.m. – Session 5: Vehicle Purchase Behavior

Light Duty Vehicle Technology: Opportunities & Challenges
     John German, Manager, Environmental and Energy Analyses, American Honda Motor Company
Consumer Fueling Choices in the Years Ahead
     Tom Turrentine, Director, Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Center, University of California, Davis
Are Consumers or Fuel Economy policies Efficient?
     Carolyn Fischer, Senior Fellow, Resources for the Future
Fuel Economy: The Case for Market Failure
     David Greene, Corporate Fellow, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
     John German, Manager, Environmental and Energy Analyses, American Hondo Motor Company
Fuel Economy, the Environment and Consumer Purchase Behavior (Not available by request)
     Robert Bienenfeld, Senior Manager, Strategic Planning & Research, American Honda Motor Company

3:30 p.m. – Session 6: GHG and Energy Policy Instruments: Cost, Efficiency, Politics

Keynote:“An Automaker Perspective on Transportation Climate Policy”
     Sue Cischke, Vice President, Sustainability, Environment and Safety Engineering, Ford Motor Company
Low Carbon Standards
     Alex Farrell, Energy and Resources, University of California, Berkeley
Toward New Frameworks for Transportation Climate Policy

     John DeCicco, Senior Fellow, Environmental Defense
EPA Perspective on Transportation Climate Policy

     Chris Grundler, Deputy Director, Office of Transportation and Air Quality, U.S. EPA

7:30 p.m. – Session 7: International Roundtable Discussion: Are Europeans Different from Americans?

Transport and CO2 in the US And Other Developed Countries Are Americans Different?
Moderator: Lee Schipper, Director of Research, World Resources Institute

     Andre Bourbeau, Manager, Environmental Affairs Directorate, Transport Canada
     Jack Short, Secretary General, International Transport Forum
     Alan McKinnon, Director of Logistics Research Center, Heriot-Watt University
     Duncan Eggar, Senior Business Advisor, BP Group
     John Lawson, Policy and Coordination, Transport Canada
     Wolfgang Steiger, Director, Powertrain Research, Volkswagen AG

Day 3, Friday – August 24, 2007
9:00 a.m. – Session 8: Towards Regional and National Policy (Conclusions)

Conclusions: Toward Regional and National Policies
     David Burwell
     Robert Dixon
     George Eads
     Anthony Eggert
     David Greene


Steering Committee

  • David Burwell (BBG Group)
  • John DeCicco (Environmental Defense)
  • Carmen Difiglio (US Department of Energy)
  • Robert Dixon (International Energy Agency)
  • Duncan Eggar (BP)
  • Lew Fulton (UN Environmental Programme)
  • John German (Honda)
  • David Greene (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
  • Cornie Huizenga (Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities)
  • Roland Hwang (Natural Resources Defense Council)
  • Jack Johnston (ret. ExxonMobil)
  • Robert Larson (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)
  • Alan Lloyd (International Council on Clean Transportation)
  • Marianne Mintz (Argonne National Laboratory)
  • Peter Reilly-Roe (ret. Natural Resources Canada)
  • Jonathan Rubin (University of Maine)
  • Mike Savonis (U.S.Federal Highway Administration)
  • Lee Schipper (EMBARQ, World Resources Institute)
  • Christine Sloane (General Motors)
  • Dan Sperling (UC Davis)
  • Steve Winkelman (Center for Clean Air Policy)

ITS-Davis Corporate Affiliate Members

  • Mitsui PowerSystems
  • Aramco
  • ExxonMobil
  • Chevron
  • Nippon Oil
  • Toyota
  • Nissan
  • Pacific Gas & Electric
  • Subaru


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