Transportation Innovation and Policy in a Fragmenting World
August 22-25, 2017
Organized under the auspices of the Energy and Alternative Fuels Committees
of the U.S. Transportation Research Board
Hosted by the UC Davis Institute of Transportation Studies
This year’s Asilomar conference responded to an acknowledgment highlighted at the Paris climate conference (COP21) in December 2015 that transportation, beyond vehicles and fuels, has not received enough attention. Sessions addressed emerging issues, including “global peak oil demand,” vehicle electrification, sustainable freight, and the energy impact of shared mobility and automated vehicles.
The conference also addressed the growing skepticism of globalization and shifting climate policies—the emerging trends, tensions and uncertainties. What are the opportunities, challenges and limitations? What new international and public-private strategies and partnerships might be pursued?
Asilomar 2017/16 Biennial Conference Brochure
Read an informative brochure that depicts in images and text the signature event of ITS-Davis.
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Event Information
Wednesday – August 23, 2017
Session I
- Welcome and Motivation
Daniel Sperling, Professor and Director, Institute of Transportation Studies, UC Davis
- Speaker
David Victor, University of California, San Diego
- Panelists
Mary Nichols, Chair, California Air Resources Board
Mark McNabb,, CEO, Electrify America
Session II – Is Global Oil Demand Peaking?
Session III – Vehicle Automation and Shared Mobility
Thursday – August 24, 2017
Session IV – Electrification of Vehicles in the U.S. and Globally
Session V – Sustainable Freight
Session VI – Infrastructure Implications of Mobility and Energy System Changes
- Moderator:
Timothy Lipman, University of California, Berkeley / LBNL
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- Speakers:
Joan Ogden, UC Davis
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- Discussants:
Michael Berube, Director, Vehicle Technologies Office, U.S. DOE
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Janea Scott, Commissioner, California Energy Commission
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Matthew Tipper, Vice President, Shell International
Peter Kosak, Executive Director of Urban Mobility, General Motors
Friday – August 25, 2017
Session VII – Policy and Regulatory Enablers
- Moderator:
Daniel Sperling, Professor and Director, Institute of Transportation Studies, UC Davis
- Speakers:
John Viera, Ford and Bill Charmley, U.S. EPA
Brian Mormino, Cummins Inc.
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William Todts, Executive Director, Transport & Environment (Europe)
Drew Kodjak, ICCT
Asilomar 2017 Steering Committee
- Dan Sperling (Chair), University of California, Davis
- Alberto Ayala, Sacramento Air Quality Management District
- Steve Cliff, California Air Resources Board
- Anthony Eggert, ClimateWorks Foundation
- Dawn Fenton, Volvo Group North America
- Genevieve Giuliano, University of Southern California
- Niel Golightly, Shell Oil Company
- David Greene, University of Tennessee
- Roland Hwang, Natural Resources Defense Council
- Amy Myers Jaffe, University of California, Davis
- Paul Leiby, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; TRB Chair of Energy Committee
- Tim Lipman, UC Berkeley; TRB Chair of Alternative Fuel Committee
- Robert Noland, Rutgers University; TRB Chair of Climate Change Task Force
- Lisa Snapp, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- Tom Turrentine, University of California, Davis
- John Viera, Ford Motor Company
- John Wall, Cummins Inc.(ret.)
- Michael Q. Wang, Argonne National Laboratory
- Jacob Ward, U.S. Department of Energy